2023 Spring Seed Swap
Who doesn’t love happy mail? Send us 20 packets of seeds and we’ll send you pack 20 packets of seeds from all over the country. You can send 20 of the same seed or 20 packets of different seeds. It’s up to you.
Here are the rules:
Include at least 10 seeds in each packet
Be sure to seal the packet well
Check to see if it’s a potentially invasive plant - you can still include it, just be sure to label it as such. There are ways to prevent invasive plants from spreading uncontrollably.
Label well -Include the type of plant it is (herb, flower, etc.) ideal growing conditions, time to maturity, Details are always helpful, e.g., some indication of what the mature plant looks like (color?), is it edible? fragrant?
Please don’t add anything else to your mailing., e.g., tea, bath salts, etc. We love the sentiment, but the participation fee covers the return postage and extra weight will cost more than we’ve allotted. Thanks for understanding.
If you are so moved, you can include extra seed packets for distribution to NC Triad communities through our organization. These extra seeds should be labeled in the same way.
Submit by February 15th
That’s it! We can’t wait to see what all you send. So exciting!
Who doesn’t love happy mail? Send us 20 packets of seeds and we’ll send you pack 20 packets of seeds from all over the country. You can send 20 of the same seed or 20 packets of different seeds. It’s up to you.
Here are the rules:
Include at least 10 seeds in each packet
Be sure to seal the packet well
Check to see if it’s a potentially invasive plant - you can still include it, just be sure to label it as such. There are ways to prevent invasive plants from spreading uncontrollably.
Label well -Include the type of plant it is (herb, flower, etc.) ideal growing conditions, time to maturity, Details are always helpful, e.g., some indication of what the mature plant looks like (color?), is it edible? fragrant?
Please don’t add anything else to your mailing., e.g., tea, bath salts, etc. We love the sentiment, but the participation fee covers the return postage and extra weight will cost more than we’ve allotted. Thanks for understanding.
If you are so moved, you can include extra seed packets for distribution to NC Triad communities through our organization. These extra seeds should be labeled in the same way.
Submit by February 15th
That’s it! We can’t wait to see what all you send. So exciting!
Who doesn’t love happy mail? Send us 20 packets of seeds and we’ll send you pack 20 packets of seeds from all over the country. You can send 20 of the same seed or 20 packets of different seeds. It’s up to you.
Here are the rules:
Include at least 10 seeds in each packet
Be sure to seal the packet well
Check to see if it’s a potentially invasive plant - you can still include it, just be sure to label it as such. There are ways to prevent invasive plants from spreading uncontrollably.
Label well -Include the type of plant it is (herb, flower, etc.) ideal growing conditions, time to maturity, Details are always helpful, e.g., some indication of what the mature plant looks like (color?), is it edible? fragrant?
Please don’t add anything else to your mailing., e.g., tea, bath salts, etc. We love the sentiment, but the participation fee covers the return postage and extra weight will cost more than we’ve allotted. Thanks for understanding.
If you are so moved, you can include extra seed packets for distribution to NC Triad communities through our organization. These extra seeds should be labeled in the same way.
Submit by February 15th
That’s it! We can’t wait to see what all you send. So exciting!